Network Security
With increased network facilities comes the security vulnerability. Irrespective of the size, every business needs top-class security to protect them from internet threats. iArmor with its gateway anti-virus engine blocks the entry of any malicious software into the office LAN. Its enterprise grade encryption engine ensures that the inter-branch data over net is safe from sniffers.
Gateway AV
iArmor’s inbuilt anti-virus scans data coming from the WAN to the LAN and blocks any contents suspected to be a virus. This protects IP devices in the entire LAN from network borne viruses, trojans, spyware and other malware.
Enterprise Grade Encryption
iArmor’s network level encryption engine uses industry leading strong encryption technology to encrypt every single packet transmitted between the branches and the Data center. This ensures peace of mind while transmitting data over public networks. The best part of this is the encryption happening at wire speeds, making this transparent to end users.
Web filter
iArmor’s powerful web filter has web categorization, URL filter and content filter. It can also limit and control the size and type of web objects downloaded. The web categorization in iArmor indexes millions of domains with domain level, sub-domain level and URL level classifications. Web filter provides visibility and control over the employee internet access.
Visibility and Control over the employee internet access
Data on wire safe from sniffers
Viruses blocked right at the gateway itself